Fran Lebowitz states, “…food is an important part of a balanced diet.” Fran Lebowitz is right, but for a lot of us suffering from gastroparesis, it can’t be so simply stated. There are generalizations of what foods we might tolerate better than others but for some of us, it really is a shot in the dark and we really won’t know until we try it. Unfortunately, it is a painful game of trial and error but we all go through it.

I’ve gone through many websites on my own, trying to find what works for others with GP – so that I may have a greater chance of success (success defined as an absence of pain, bloating, cramping and nausea). Here is a list of some of those recipes. They are not guaranteed to work, but it might be worth a try. Thanks to all who have contributed them to the AGMD-GI-Motility forum on Inspire. Feel free to add your own to the list.



Strawberry Yogurt Frappe
-1 Tb strawberry syrup or other flavoring
-½ cup vanilla yogurt
-½ Milk
-¼ cup orange Juice
-Dash vanilla

mix all ingredients together in a blender until smooth.

High-Calorie Malt
-½ cup whole milk
-1 tbsp malted milk powder
-½ cup half and half
-1 oz package Instant Breakfast, any flavor
-2 cups ice cream, any flavor
-2 tbsp Ovaltine

mix all ingredients together in a blender until smooth.

Fruit Smoothie
-Low fat milk/soy milk, etc.
-1/2 fat ice cream
-2 T almond butter
-Protein powder (if you need extra protein)
-Frozen blueberries and cherries, slightly thawed in the micro
-1/2 a banana
-1 T ground flaxseed


Ground Chicken Puree
-1/2 cooked ground chicken burger
-little milk/soy milk, etc. for mixing
-1/2 cup couscous/millet/quinioa or mashed potatoes or 1/2 of a cooked potato without the skin
-very well cooked kale/chard/spinach or baby food spinach (don’t use much milk if using baby food as it will be too runny)

Puree well. Put in bowl with tiny bit of butter and seasoning (I use low sodium salt, garlic powder and sometimes Italian seasoning). Zap and enjoy!

Egg/yam puree
-1/2 cooked yam without the skin or baby food sweet potato
-1 egg (microwaved for a minute-stir first. Otherwise the yolk will explode! I spray a bowl and stir the raw egg in it)
-1/2 cup cooked grits
-little bit of milk, etc. for mixing. Don’t use if using baby food as it’s liquidy (made up my own word) enough

Puree well and enjoy!

Fish Dinner Puree
-1 c. cooked flounder , shredded
-1 med boiled potato
-1 c. skim milk
-2 tbsp cooked rice
-dash Tobasco
-1 jar baby food mix veg. or sweet potato

Combine all ingred. in blender and puree. Heat.
Serves 2 : 180 calories

Coconut Sag Paneer Puree
-Mix of coconut milk/stock
-Mild curry powder or corriander, tumeric, spices of choice
-Spinach or bok choy (easy to digest greens)

Simmer spinach in spices and milk/stock until well cooked. Add diced chicken breast and puree (sometimes I save some of this whole for a few bites). Serve over quinoa (soaked overnight and cooked in 3-4 parts water over 30 min).
-Add chopped cilantro and paprika.

-3 oz cooked chicken breast, diced
-4 tbsp unsalted chicken stock
-3 tbsp cooked rice
-pepper to taste
-dash curry pdr.
-1 tsp. margarine
-1 jar baby food carrots or mixed veg.

Combine all ingred. except margarine in a blender container and puree. Heat with 1 tsp margaine.
Serves 1 : 230 Calories


Chicken and Rice Recipe
-1/3 cup flour
-1 1/2 c. lowfat or skim milk
-1 cup fat free chicken broth
This is all mixed together and cooked on the top of the stove, stir frequently.
While that is cooking cook 1 1/2 cup of white rice.
In a separate pan I cook several strips of skinless/boneless chicken strips in fat free chicken stock.

When the rice and chicken are done cooking, I cut up the chicken into small pieces and add it to the white sauce. Then I add in the rice and stir it all together.

I bake it in the oven at 350 for about 25 minutes.

Chicken Congee (Rice porridge)
-½ cup rice (or barley)
-4 cups water or stock
-1 chopped Baby bok choy
-1 2-inch piece kombu seaweed (reduces gas)
-1 bay leaf
-1 teaspoon minced ginger
-½ teaspoon sea salt
-¼ teaspoon cumin

Cook 8 hrs before bed for breakfast or in morning for dinner! Add diced chicken or protein of choice.

Cream of Carrot Soup

-2 tablespoons butter or light margerine
-2/3 c. chopped onion
-3 cups finely chopped carrots. (I cut then in two lengthwie then slice thin,
-2 tablespoons uncooked rice
-1 quart chicken broth, boxed or home made.
-dash of pepper if it doesn’t upset you
-1/2 cup cream (I’m on a heart healthy diet. I use Fat Free Half and half.)

Melt butter or marg: add onions and cook over low heat until soft and golden yellow. Add carrots, broth, rice and seasonings. Simmer uncovered for 30 minutes. Run through the blender until no sign of chunks remain. Return to pan, add cream or half and half, stir and heat until just boiling.

I added an inch piece of fresh ginger chopped to the onions as they cook.
This is creamy, has a delicate taste.


Crunchie Mix
-2 cups each in a bowl and mix:
-Plain Cheerios
-Chocolate Cheerios
-Rice Chex
-Peanuts (any variety) *Nuts are not well tolerated by those with GP but they work OK for some.*
-Goldfish crackers

Fruit and Cream
-1 cup whole milk
-1 cup vanilla ice cream
-1 cup canned fruit in heavy syrup (peaches, apricots, pears)
-Almond or vanilla extract to taste.

Mix all ingredients together in a blender until smooth.


Digestive Distress GP Diet Guide
Options for a Pureed Diet
Puree Recipes
Inspire’s GP Shared Recipes

  • 11 Responses

  • June says...

    I have just been diagnosed with Gastroparesis, I am so excited that I have found some wonderful diet suggestions here. Thank you to all that have given me so many wonderful diet plans and suggestions.

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